Saturday, December 6, 2008

Thai-spiced Cilantro Chicken

Using fresh ginger is pretty inexpensive and much healthier, but we always had a problem of it going moldy before we could use very much of it. Our friend, Sarah Erwin, told us we could keep it in the freezer with the skin already peeled and wrapped in a bit of paper towel in a freezer bag. Then, when we needed it, the frozen ginger grates really easily on a small cheese grater.

2 chicken breasts
2 garlic cloves
¼ in. piece of fresh ginger, peeled (or approx ¾ t. ground ginger)
4+ T. chopped fresh cilantro
3 T. lime juice
2 T. light soy sauce
1 T. sugar
¾ c. coconut milk
Cayenne pepper to taste

Put slashes in the chicken breasts and place in a casserole dish. Put the remaining ingredients in a food processor or blender and blend until smooth. Spread the puree over the chicken. Cover and refrigerate about 1 hr.

Broil the chicken in the oven until cooked through, and cook the remaining marinade in a sauce pan. Allow to simmer for several minutes. (Or you can cook the chicken and sauce together in a covered casserole dish until it’s done. It's faster but cooking them together makes the sauce a little soupier.) Serve with rice.

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